How to handle blocks with children

How to handle blocks with children

Some Notion blocks like lists, callouts,toggles etc can contain nested content. Here’s how to handle them effectively in your transformers.

Basic Structure

A block transformer receives the full block context, including any children:

interface Block {
  children?: Block[];  // Array of child blocks
  // ... other block properties

Simple Example: Nested Lists

Here’s a basic example of handling a bulleted list with nested items:

const bulletedListTransformer = {
  transform: async ({ block, utils, metadata = {} }) => {
    // Get current nesting level from metadata (defaults to 0)
    const level = metadata.listLevel || 0;
    const indent = '  '.repeat(level);

    // Process this item's text
    const text = await utils.processRichText(block.bulleted_list_item.rich_text);

    // If no children, return just this item
    if (!block.children?.length) {
      return `${indent}- ${text}`;

    // Process children with increased nesting level
    const childContent = await Promise.all( =>
        utils.processBlock(child, {
          listLevel: level + 1

    // Combine item with its children
    return `${indent}- ${text}\n${childContent.join('\n')}`;

Using Metadata for Context

The metadata object in the context helps pass information down the transformation chain:

const numberListTransformer = {
  transform: async ({ block, utils, metadata = {} }) => {
    // Track nesting level
    const level = metadata.listLevel || 0;

    // Track item number within current level
    const number = metadata.currentNumber || 1;

    // Process children with updated metadata
    const children = await Promise.all(, index) =>
        utils.processBlock(child, {
          listLevel: level + 1,
          currentNumber: index + 1  // Number for each child

    // ... rest of the transformation

Common Use Cases

Toggle Blocks

const toggleTransformer = {
  transform: async ({ block, utils }) => {
    const text = await utils.processRichText(block.toggle.rich_text);

    // Process child content if present
    const childContent = block.children?.length
      ? await Promise.all(
 => utils.processBlock(child))
      : [];

    return `<details>

Callouts with Nested Content

const calloutTransformer = {
  transform: async ({ block, utils }) => {
    const text = await utils.processRichText(block.callout.rich_text);

    // Process children and maintain callout formatting
    const childContent = block.children?.length
      ? await Promise.all(
 => utils.processBlock(child))
        ).then(content =>
            .map(line => `> ${line}`)
      : '';

    return `> 💡 ${text}\n${childContent}\n\n`;

Best Practices

  1. Always Check for Children

    if (!block.children?.length) {
      // consider using the utility functions
      return simpleTransform();
  2. Preserve Context

    const childMetadata = {
      ...metadata,           // Keep existing metadata
      listLevel: level + 1,  // Add/update needed values
  3. Handle Formatting

    • Consider how nested content affects spacing
    • Maintain consistent indentation
    • Preserve block-specific formatting