Variables and Templates
1. Template
The template defines the overall structure of your output document. It uses a simple variable substitution system with triple curly braces ({{{variableName}}}
It acts as a scaffold, determining where different parts of the content will appear in the final output. When creating a custom renderer, you can assign blocks to specific variables; by default, they are placed in the content variable. The content variable is mandatory and must be included in the template. We’ll explore this as we move ahead.
Template Examples for Different Output Formats
Markdown/MDX Template
HTML Template
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<article class="notion-content">
JSX/React Component Template
// can use a variable for naming components as well
export function NotionPage({
components = {},
}) {
return (
<article className={`notion-content ${className || ''}`} {...props}>
LaTeX Document Template
2. Variables and The Variable System
Variables are dynamic content providers that populate the template.
How Variables Work
At its core, the variable system works by:
- Collecting content during the rendering process
- Organizing it into named collections
- Resolving those collections into strings
- Substituting the resolved strings into the template
flowchart LR A[Block Processing] --> B[Content Collection] B --> C[Variable Resolution] C --> D[Template Substitution] style A fill:#fefcbf,stroke:#d69e2e,color:#000000 style B fill:#ebf8ff,stroke:#3182ce,color:#000000 style C fill:#ebf8ff,stroke:#3182ce,color:#000000 style D fill:#e6fffa,stroke:#319795,color:#000000
Default vs. Custom Variables
The base renderer includes essential variables:
- The main content of the documentimports
- The import statements for the document (may or may not be used)
You can extend these with custom variables for specialized needs.
and imports
variables in your template.Variable Resolvers
Variables collect content throughout the rendering process, but before being used in the template, this content needs to be formatted. This is where variable resolvers come in.
What is a Variable Resolver?
- It’s a function that takes collected content and formats it for final output
- It receives the full rendering context and returns a formatted string
Variables can work in two ways:
- As collectors that gather content during rendering and then the resolver formats it for final output in the template. Collection-based Variables These variables collect content throughout the rendering process:
// Variable that collects content
// Content returned from the transformer gets collected in this variable
// and all the collected content is passed to the resolver to format it for
// final output in the template.
someBlockTransformer.targetVariable = 'sidebar';
- As generators that produce content through their resolvers (usecase: frontmatter, footnotes, etc) Generator Variables These variables don’t collect anything but generate content through their resolver:
// Variable that generates content through its resolver
renderer.addVariable('frontmatter', async (name, context) => {
const title = context.pageProperties?.title || 'Untitled';
const date = new Date().toISOString();
return `---
title: ${title}
date: ${date}
Default Resolution
If you don’t provide a custom resolver, variables use a simple default resolver that:
- Takes all collected content
- Joins it with newlines (
) - Returns the combined string
Each resolver has access to the complete rendering context, including page properties, collected content, and processing state. The results of these resolvers are inserted into the template wherever the corresponding {{{variableName}}}
How Variable Resolution Works
Let’s see how variables are resolved in practice:
1. During block processing, content is collected:
// After processing some blocks, variableData might contain:
variableData = {
content: [
"# Introduction",
"This is a paragraph with **bold text**.",
"- Item one\n- Item two",
imports: [
"import { Editor } from './components/code';",
"import { Accordion } from './components/accordion';"
2. When rendering completes, variable resolvers are called:
// The frontmatter resolver returns:
"---\ntitle: My Page\ndate: 2025-03-05T12:34:56.789Z\n---"
// The imports resolver returns:
"import { Editor } from './components/code';\nimport { Accordion } from './components/accordion';"
// The content resolver returns:
"# Introduction\nThis is a paragraph with **bold text**.\n- Item one\n- Item two"
3. The resolved values replace variables in the template:
<!-- Final output: -->
title: My Page
date: 2025-03-05T12:34:56.789Z
import { Editor } from './components/code';
import { Accordion } from './components/accordion';
# Introduction
This is a paragraph with **bold text**.
- Item one
- Item two
This simple but powerful system makes it easy to create well-structured documents with dynamic content.
Variable Examples for Different Formats
HTML Renderer Variables
protected variables = {
title: (context) =>
context.pageProperties?.title?.title?.[0]?.plain_text || 'Notion Page',
metatags: (context) => {
const description = context.pageProperties?.description?.rich_text?.[0]?.plain_text || '';
const tags = context.pageProperties?.tags?.multi_select?.map(tag =>', ') || '';
return `
<meta name="description" content="${description}">
<meta name="keywords" content="${tags}">
<meta property="og:title" content="${context.pageProperties?.title?.title?.[0]?.plain_text || ''}">
<meta property="og:description" content="${description}">
stylesheets: () => {
const styles = context.variableData.get('stylesheets') || [];
return styles.join('\n');
scripts: () => `
<script src="/scripts/prism.js"></script>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
content: (context) => {
const contentBlocks = context.variableData.get('content') || [];
return contentBlocks.join('\n');
JSX/React Component Variables
protected variables = {
imports: (context) => {
const defaultImports = [
'import React from "react";',
'import { MDXProvider } from "@mdx-js/react";'
const collectedImports = context.variableData.get('imports') || [];
return [...defaultImports, ...collectedImports].join('\n');
frontmatter: (context) => {
const title = context.pageProperties?.title?.title?.[0]?.plain_text || 'Untitled';
const description = context.pageProperties?.description?.rich_text?.[0]?.plain_text || '';
return `
<header className="page-header">
<p className="description">{${JSON.stringify(description)}}</p>
content: (context) => {
const contentBlocks = context.variableData.get('content') || [];
return contentBlocks.join('\n');
metadataExport: (context) => {
const metadata = {
title: context.pageProperties?.title?.title?.[0]?.plain_text || 'Untitled',
description: context.pageProperties?.description?.rich_text?.[0]?.plain_text || '',
tags: context.pageProperties?.tags?.multi_select?.map(tag => || [],
lastUpdated: context.pageProperties?.last_edited_time || new Date().toISOString()
return `
export const metadata = ${JSON.stringify(metadata, null, 2)};
LaTeX Document Variables
protected variables = {
packages: () => `
title: (context) =>
this.escapeLatex(context.pageProperties?.title?.title?.[0]?.plain_text || 'Untitled'),
author: (context) => {
const author = context.pageProperties?.author?.rich_text?.[0]?.plain_text;
return author ? this.escapeLatex(author) : 'Anonymous';
date: () => '\\today',
content: (context) => {
const contentBlocks = context.variableData.get('content') || [];
return contentBlocks.join('\n');
Practical Example: Custom Table of Contents
Here’s how you might implement a custom table of contents variable:
protected variables = {
// Other variables...
tableOfContents: (context) => {
// Find all heading blocks from the processed content
const headings = context.variableData.get('content')
.filter(line => line.startsWith('#'))
.map(heading => {
const level = heading.match(/^(#+)/)[0].length;
const text = heading.replace(/^#+\s+/, '');
const indent = ' '.repeat(level - 1);
const slug = text.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+/g, '-');
return `${indent}- [${text}](#${slug})`;
return headings ? `## Table of Contents\n\n${headings}\n\n` : '';
Then update your template to include it:
Best Practices for Variables
- Keep variables focused - Each variable should have a clear responsibility
- Use the context object - Leverage the available data for dynamic content
- Use appropriate variables - Put content in logical variables (don’t overload