Block Transformers

Block transformers handle the conversion of specific Notion block types into your target format. Each transformer should focus on a single block type and returns corresponding output in string.

Basic Structure

A block transformer consists of:

  • A required transform function that converts the block
  • Optional imports array for required imports
  • Optional targetVariable string to specify where output is collected
type BlockTransformer = {
  // Required: Transform function that converts block to string
  transform: (context: RendererContext) => Promise<string>;

  // Optional: Imports needed for this block
  // this gets populated into the default import variable
  imports?: string[];

  // Optional: Variable to collect output (defaults to 'content')
  targetVariable?: string;

Basic Examples

Simple transformers for common blocks:

protected blockTransformers = {
  heading_1: {
    transform: async ({ block, utils }) => {
      const text = await utils.processRichText(block.heading_1.rich_text);
      return `# ${text}\n\n`;
  paragraph: {
    transform: async ({ block, utils }) => {
      const text = await utils.processRichText(block.paragraph.rich_text);
      return `${text}\n\n`;

Working with Imports

When a block needs specific imports (like React components), you can define them in the transformer:

protected blockTransformers = {
  code: {
    transform: async ({ block, utils }) => {
      const code = block.code.rich_text[0].plain_text;
      const language = block.code.language || 'plain';
      return `<CodeBlock language="${language}">${code}</CodeBlock>\n\n`;
    // These imports will be automatically added to the 'imports' variable
    // when this block type is used
    imports: [
      `import { CodeBlock } from '@/components/CodeBlock';`

  callout: {
    transform: async ({ block, utils }) => {
      const text = await utils.processRichText(block.callout.rich_text);
      return `<Callout type="info">${text}</Callout>\n\n`;
    imports: [
      `import { Callout } from '@/components/Callout';`

Custom Variable Targeting

Transformers can send their output to specific variables using targetVariable:

protected blockTransformers = {
  // Table of contents block goes to a dedicated variable
  table_of_contents: {
    transform: async () => {
      return `<TableOfContents />\n\n`;
    imports: [`import { TableOfContents } from '@/components/TableOfContents';`],
    targetVariable: 'tableOfContents'

  // Sidebar content goes to sidebar variable
  callout: {
    transform: async ({ block, utils }) => {
      const text = await utils.processRichText(block.callout.rich_text);
      return `<aside class="sidebar-note">${text}</aside>\n\n`;
    targetVariable: 'sidebar'

Advanced Examples

Complex Block with Multiple Variables

Sometimes a block might need to contribute to multiple variables. You can handle this by using the context’s utility methods:

protected blockTransformers = {
  hero_section: {
    transform: async ({ block, utils, variableData }) => {
      const title = await utils.processRichText(block.hero_section.title);
      const subtitle = await utils.processRichText(block.hero_section.subtitle);

      // Add required styles
      const styles = variableData.get('styles') || [];
        .hero {
          background: linear-gradient(#fff, #f0f0f0);
          padding: 2rem;
      variableData.set('styles', styles);

      // Return main content
      return `
        <section class="hero">
    imports: [`import { Hero } from '@/components/Hero';`]
Interactive Component with Dependencies

Here’s an example of a transformer that handles an interactive component with both imports and styles:

protected blockTransformers = {
  interactive_demo: {
    transform: async ({ block, utils, variableData }) => {
      const code = block.interactive_demo.code;

      // Add required scripts
      const scripts = variableData.get('scripts') || [];
      variableData.set('scripts', scripts);

      // Add required styles
      const styles = variableData.get('styles') || [];
        .interactive-demo {
          height: 400px;
          border: 1px solid #ccc;
      variableData.set('styles', styles);

      return `
    imports: [
      `import { InteractiveDemo } from '@/components/InteractiveDemo';`,
      `import '@/styles/monaco.css';`

Best Practices

  1. Variable Management

    • Use targetVariable when output belongs in a specific section
    • Access variableData from context for complex variable manipulation
    • Consider creating dedicated variables for specialized content
  2. Import Handling

    • Define imports in the transformer when components are needed
    • Group related imports in the same transformer
    • Consider import deduplication (handled automatically by the renderer)
  3. Content Organization

    • Use meaningful variable names for different content types
    • Keep transformers focused on single responsibilities
    • Document variable dependencies in comments
  4. Context Usage

    • Leverage the full context object for advanced transformations
    • Use utility methods like processRichText for consistent formatting
    • Access metadata and page properties when needed