Exporter Plugins

Exporter Plugins

Exporter plugins control where your converted content goes after processing. notion-to-md comes with a built-in DefaultExporter and allows you to create custom exporters to save files, integrate with CMS platforms, or publish content across various channels.

Default Exporter

notion-to-md provides a DefaultExporter that handles common output scenarios:

import { NotionToMarkdown, DefaultExporter } from 'notion-to-md';

// Save to file
const fileExporter = new DefaultExporter({
  outputType: 'file',
  outputPath: './content/output.md'

// Print to console
const stdoutExporter = new DefaultExporter({
  outputType: 'stdout'

// Store in memory buffer
const buffer = {};
const bufferExporter = new DefaultExporter({
  outputType: 'buffer',
  buffer: buffer

// Use the exporter
const converter = NotionToMarkdown.builder()

You can find the DefaultExporter implementation in the GitHub repository.


Share Your Exporters With The Community!

Have you created a useful exporter for a popular CMS, hosting platform, or database? Consider sharing it with the community!

  1. Create a GitHub repository for your exporter
  2. Submit a PR
  3. We’ll review and link to your quality exporter plugin in our catalogue

Your contributions help the community build better content pipelines. Sharing your exporter can save others hours of development time.

The Exporter Interface

Creating an exporter is straightforward. All you need to do is implement the NotionExporter interface:

interface NotionExporter {
  export(data: ChainData): Promise<void>;

interface ChainData {
  pageId: string;                  // The Notion page ID
  blockTree: ExtendedFetcherOutput; // Raw block data from Notion
  content: string;                 // The converted content
  metadata?: Record<string, any>;  // Additional metadata

The export method receives all the data from the conversion process, giving you complete flexibility in how you handle it.

Detailed types breakdown can be found in the Exporter configuration guide.

Basic Exporter

Let’s start with the simplest possible exporter - one that just prints the converted content to the console:

import { NotionExporter, ChainData } from 'notion-to-md/types';

class ConsoleExporter implements NotionExporter {
  constructor(private verbose = false) {}

  async export(data: ChainData): Promise<void> {
    console.log('-------- Converted Content --------');
    console.log(data.content); // contains the final rendered output

    if (this.verbose) {
      console.log('Page ID:', data.pageId);
      console.log('Content Length:', data.content.length);
      console.log('Block Count:', data.blockTree.blocks.length);

// Usage
const n2m = new NotionConverter(notionClient)
  .withExporter(new ConsoleExporter(true));

await n2m.convert('your-page-id');

File System Exporter

A more practical exporter saves content to your file system. Useful for Static site generators (Hugo, Jekyll, etc.):

import { NotionExporter, ChainData } from 'notion-to-md/types';
import * as fs from 'fs/promises';
import * as path from 'path';

class FileSystemExporter implements NotionExporter {
  // You can define custom configurations for your plugin, allowing users to tailor it to their needs.
  constructor(private outputDir: string) {}

  async export(data: ChainData): Promise<void> {
    // Create output directory if it doesn't exist
    await fs.mkdir(this.outputDir, { recursive: true });

    // Generate filename from page properties or ID
    const title = data.blockTree.properties?.title?.title?.[0]?.plain_text || 'untitled';
    const filename = `${title.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, '-')}.md`;

    // Full path for the file
    const filepath = path.join(this.outputDir, filename);

    // Write content to file
    await fs.writeFile(filepath, data.content, 'utf-8');

    console.log(`✓ Exported page to ${filepath}`);

// Usage
const n2m = new NotionConverter(notionClient)
  .withExporter(new FileSystemExporter('./content/blog'));

await n2m.convert('your-page-id');

CMS Integration Exporter

Here’s how you might create an exporter for a headless CMS:

import { NotionExporter, ChainData } from 'notion-to-md/types';

class CMSExporter implements NotionExporter {
    private apiKey: string,
    private apiEndpoint: string
  ) {}

  async export(data: ChainData): Promise<void> {
    // Extract metadata from page properties
    const properties = data.blockTree.properties;
    const title = properties?.title?.title?.[0]?.plain_text || 'Untitled';
    const tags = properties?.tags?.multi_select?.map(tag => tag.name) || [];

    // Prepare data for CMS
    const postData = {
      content: data.content,
      notionPageId: data.pageId,
      lastUpdated: new Date().toISOString()

    try {
      // Send to CMS API
      const response = await fetch(this.apiEndpoint, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.apiKey}`
        body: JSON.stringify(postData)

      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error(`CMS API responded with ${response.status}`);

      const result = await response.json();
      console.log(`✓ Published to CMS with ID: ${result.id}`);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Failed to publish to CMS:', error);
      throw error;

// Usage
const n2m = new NotionConverter(notionClient)
  .withExporter(new CMSExporter(

await n2m.convert('your-page-id');

This exporter is ideal for:

  • Publishing to headless CMS platforms (Contentful, Strapi, etc.)
  • Automated content publishing workflows
  • Syncing Notion content with your website

Using Multiple Exporters

One of the most powerful features of notion-to-md v4 is the ability to use multiple exporters simultaneously:

import { NotionExporter, ChainData } from 'notion-to-md/types';

// Create your exporters
const fileExporter = new FileSystemExporter('./content/blog');
const cmsExporter = new CMSExporter('api-key', 'https://api.cms.com/posts');
const newsletterExporter = new NewsletterExporter('api-key', newsletterPublishingClient);

// Use them all together
const n2m = new NotionConverter(notionClient)

await n2m.convert('your-page-id');

Best Practices

  1. Keep exporters focused - Each exporter should have a single responsibility
  2. Handle errors gracefully - Implement proper error handling to prevent data loss
  3. Use asynchronous operations - Ensure all file system and network operations are properly awaited
  4. Provide feedback - Log successful exports and errors for monitoring
  5. Consider rate limits - When exporting to APIs, respect their rate limits